Applying for funding is not child's play. In fact, to increase your chances of obtaining it, you have to take good care of your file. If you are having trouble getting out of it, don't hesitate to ask for help. If possible, from a professional (the best). Don't worry, you don't have to go to his office to ask for advice, because he is available directly online.
Why seek advice from a professional?
The service of a professional is essential in order to be accompanied for your application for innovation funding. As he is used to assisting innovative project leaders, he has the necessary experience to increase your chances of obtaining funding. Thus, thanks to his assistance, you will have no difficulty in writing applications for financial aid (grants and tax credits) from public bodies. You can also easily find the sources of financing adapted to your needs.
In addition, you should know that even if you have already drawn up your business plan or your accounts, it is always preferable to seek professional advice. By seeking his or her advice, you will have no difficulty in negotiating credits or professional funds from investments. At the same time, you will also benefit from the best possible assistance. And above all, you will not be obliged to manage the creation of your company alone.
What advice can I get online?
The online professional offers advice on financing for innovation. Indeed, he will help you to find the help adapted to your needs. At first glance, it may seem simple, but in reality it's not as simple as it seems. First of all, if you wish to benefit from public aid, you will first need to know about it. In general, these can be grants and loans. But it can also be about tax benefits, such as tax credits, tax exemptions, etc. Choosing between the different types of aid is not easy. To do so, you will need to know the characteristics of each aid, know the progress of your innovation project, and have an overview of the eligibility conditions. Fortunately, with the help of a professional, it's not difficult.
In addition, it is important to know that the online professional does not only provide advice on how to obtain funding. Indeed, he also offers long-term support. This assistance is essential for an entrepreneur or project leader who does not yet have a lot of experience in the entrepreneurship sector.
How to be accompanied for the request for financing?
If you plan to be accompanied by an online professional, you should know that his intervention begins with a feasibility study of your innovation project. This analysis consists of evaluating your needs, estimating the financial cost and the characteristics of your business idea.
At the end of the study, he will then look for the appropriate support for your project. During this stage, he is not satisfied with only public aid (subsidies, tax credits, tax exemptions,...), but he does not hesitate to find other sources of financing. This is the case for calls for projects with a European or national dimension, or aid proposed by external partners and investors.
Once the aids have been identified, it thus completes its expertise by applying for funding from the appropriate body. For example, if you wish to benefit from state aid, then he will take care of filling in the form and sending the application online. They usually do the same for the funding application to other organisations or investors.